Michael Sakas

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Michael Sakas

resume 10/24/2009

817-480-3799 mobile

Euless, TX  United States

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Major Experience

2004 - 2009  Sumisho Computer Systems.(SCS) Irving, Texas
Contract Software Developer - Multiple Projects

  • ACTIS Manufacturing, Ltd. LLC I worked on a Visual Studio window forms application to provide a moving cost allocation for the accounting department. This was a retrofit to an existing MAS 200 ERP system to add unavailable functionality.

  • Tokusen USA A Visual Studio enterprise application to provide automation of manufacturing, storage, automated product retreival and packing funtionality.

  • MITSUI BUSSAN LOGISTICS INC A retro fit of Nitobi grid software within an existing PHP web with additionl functionality to allow Excel exports. PHP XML interface to an Oracle Database.

  • NEC America A SAP Enterprise installation. I provided ABAP ALV reports for the Material Master Module. (MM-MVKE).

2003 - 2004   Lockeed-Martin Joint Strike Fighter Program

  • Reverse engineered an existing Legacy application and converted to a web based application. Performed ASP.Net, XML Files, Classic ASP, SQL Server and Access programming.

1997 - 2003   Exxon-Mobil SME Team

  • Development,enhancement and ongoing maintenance of systems for both in-house administration use and upstream operations.
  • This was a three month contract that was extended for five years. I was a contract Architect, Software Engineer, VB 6.0 Enterprise, with Oracle 7.x., SQL and DB2.
  • Converted existing applications from VB4.0 to VB 6.0 and performed speed and functionality enhancements.
  • Windows Scripting for hundred of GLOBALLY located servers for data collection.
  • Converted the applications from DAO to RDO to ADO over the course of five years
  • Used SQL Station, Rational Rose and Erwin and various tools to reverse engineer existing applications and change system architecture to object orientated
  • Redesigned database to use CRC values instead of large string comparison
  • Built directory scanning applications to inventory installed application data interfacing with lotus notes work flow databases and mail systems
  • Built a few COM objects to allow faster processing
  • There was a combination of reporting procedures. Some of which was Crystal Reports, some in Lotus Notes

1992 - 1997   GTE - Choice Billing Lead Developer

  • Developed and maintained call record processing software for various long distance carriers large volume transactions processing on a NT network with multiprocessor HP net servers
  • Best achievement was the design and implementation of a multi-processor and multi-client network software solution to achieve distributed, scaleable and fault tolerant system for processing 500mb flat files of call data with variable block records with two out of process servers (COM).
  • Used Visual Basic (Various versions), SQL Server, PVCS and various 3rd party tools